I now define a lot of rain as not just two or three days of non stop, but six. I have never seen so much rain in my life! It has slowed all our outside construction work down a bunch, but we are able to get some things done at the other established clinic so that's good!
The rain also provides some fun when we took a walk about three miles or so to the McDonalds one night late. We were completely drenched, but had a good time.
I have given up on clean clothes; they never stay that way so I'm just embracing the mud. :)
Mim has gotten to see several births which is awesome!! I'm sure she'll post about it later. She even got to cut the cord at one of the births.
The last couple days we've been putting tile in at the clinic, helping with other random things, and taking a wall down outside and putting a new one up.There is plenty to do, just rain slows everything down.
Thank you for the update. Don't drown. :)